25 Sep 2019 by Ged Grimwade

Indoor Competitions

We have entered the following teams into the Indoor HV Competition:
- Under 13 Mixed Pennant Saturday at Victoria University commencing 12 October 2019
- Under 15 Mixed Pennant Sunday at Victoria University commencing 13 October 2019
- Open Women B Grade Saturday Afternoons at MSAC commencing 5 October 2019
- 2x Open Men’s B Grade Sunday Afternoons at MSAC Commencing 6 October 2019
- 35 + Masters Mixed Saturday Afternoon commencing 6 October 2019

If you have not already done so please let as soon as possible if interested in playing in any of those teams.

Cost per game will be $18 for junior games and $20 for senior games payable at the game. If interested in juniors also cc

The season goes for 7 – 8 rounds finishing the week ending 8 December 2019. You need a special purpose glove and indoor stick. Indoor sticks start from around $50.

Any further information needed contact Ged 0402 254 008 or Carina 0416 137 066 ( Indoor Co-ordinators for Senior Competitions) or Georgie in relation to juniors 0412 257 973.

We are also looking for Team Managers so please email as soon as possible.

Summer Mixed Competition

We intend on running a mixed summer competition on Monday nights commencing after Presentation Night in October. This will be a PEGS Run competition. Further information to come. It will be $10 per game payable on the night.

Masters Outdoor Competition

Two teams have been entered in this:

Mens 35 + Monday Nights at Essendon Hockey Club starts 7 October 2019

Womens 35 + Wednesdays Nights at Essendon Hockey Club starts 9 October 2019

Cost will be $18 per game.

Please email if interested in playing.

Junior Development Program and Hin2H Hockey Program

Dates for these programs over Summer to come.

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